Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Class Descriptions

If you have any questions about the descriptions, please contact Alice ( ).

Registration for teachers: Thursday, Feb. 19, during Enrich

Registration for returning families: Thursday evening, Feb. 26, beginning at 6:15 pm

New Family Meeting: 6:45 pm on Thursday, Feb. 26. Registration immediately following the meeting.

First day of Spring session: March 5.

Click on the class descriptions for a larger view.


Homeschoolward said...

Hi my name is Michelle Ward and I am iterested in joining your co-op with my two daughters. I was introduced to your program by Beth Anderson. If you would email me any information that I may need I would greatly appreciate it.


Enrich Christian Homeschool Assoc. said...

Hi Michelle,

Please email me at so I can contact you directly.