Thursday, February 16, 2012

Spring Registration

The email with the registration packet for spring registration has been sent! If you didn't get one and would like one (or more information), please email

We completed teacher registration for the spring session today and have one closed class, "Hot Diggity Dog", the 4th-6th grade cooking class 3rd hour. Also, the following classes are nearing capacity:
1st hour
5 spots left in1-3 Ben Franklin
4 spots left in 4-6 Team Challenge
2 spots left in 7-12 More CSI

2nd hour
4 spots left in 7-12 Start Here

3rd hour
3 spots left in 1-3 crafts

Please come with your child's first, second and third choices for each hour in case what they'd like isn't available at your registration time. Looking forward to see you Thursday!

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